2 easy ways to leave mobile addiction


Today the mobile and internet became the very very important and useful part of our daily life . But we need to understand the difference between its use and addiction .According to a study , 78% youths are not only using the mobile and internet but also they are addicted by it.                                                                                   So today we will talk about : how can we overcome to the addiction of mobile and social media.

1. What is it's biggest reason

If we want to overcome this addiction , we must have to know the main reasons of this. these reason may be

Social media

Mobile addiction
Mobile addiction

Today every 8 persons out of 10 uses the social media . some of them just make an profile just for trying and leave this , so they can never be addicted of it . The second ones make profile and use it irregularly , so also they not called addicted of it . And this is the time to talk about legends who spend the second most time of their day just on social media. Even some of them host multiple profiles and efficiently operates them , so they are in the category of the addiction. you will be shocked after knowing that 5 users out of 8 are in the legendry category : they are addicted of it.

Mobile games

PUBG character
PUBG character

Also this is not a small reason because games are on their peak. Their effect can be seen as the addiction of
pubg and freefire.Some of youths look the games as their life's only purpose, but we all know that not everyone can't make carrier in gaming, so they neither get anything  nor can use the time. The result : wasting of the time. 

2. How can we overcome this 

For getting a control on itself , we need to understand the circle of time wasting .
In simple language :when we have nothing to do , then we waste time on mobile . So we just need to replace the mobile with something , something that can give us more pleasure than mobile . this can be any sports , your passion and your study if you want to do.
So in one line :we need to replace the mobile with something good and meaningful.
Besides it , the way given below is the most effective and successful way to do so ,so must read that carefully.

3. The role of dopamine

Dopamine role

What will you answer if I ask you that what thing inspires you to do something : you will answer that : it's need. But nooo ,there is also a greatest thing that have a great role in your activities and that is : Dopamine.
For your information I am telling you that this dopamine is a mental hormone that releases for giving us pleasure . So in a simple language , it release for giving you a reward for your effort. It mostly release while eating something tasty food , drinking tasty , masturbation , sexual activities and the most worst :using mobile.
so now I hope that you understood the role of dopamine in every work.
So the most useful thing starts here that using mobile is a high dopamine releasing activity while study , meditation etc. are low dopamine releasing activity . So we are not enough excited for the further so called boring activities.

4. The dopamine detox

This dopamine can be also a boon for us. how and why , let's explain
Now you know the role of dopamine. In one line : our mind is addicted for the certain volume of dopamine . Just there are different ways.
1) some days , we need to stop those high dopamine releasing activities.
2) in their replacement , we should try the low dopamine activities like study , meditation and yoga.
3) you can also try those high dopamine releasing works as the reward of doing the low dopamine works.
4) but don't forget , that you do not let cheat yourself , just honestly follow the rules.
5) And if you failed somewhere , don't give up just try to do again .

5. The 21 days rule 

If you are interested in science , then you may heard about The 21 days rule.
this is a theory that our mind can completely refresh itself in 21 days . so you can change your every bad habit in 21 days .
I know that it sounds difficult but believe me it is very easy , just need your consistency and will power. so you can try the dopamine detox for 21 days and your life will be changed.

6. Reviews

successful man
Successful man

Believe me , the dopamine detox has the most interesting reviews . This changed millions of persons life who tried it with full focus. One of them is
Alon musk .
In statistics , 89 % persons , who tried it , changed their life with it .

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