How to gain muscle naturally

 How to gain muscle naturally

When it comes to health , healthy body and a healthy person , the very first picture that comes to our mind is : a muscular person with a well shaped body . We all know that it is not the only definition of health but most of us thinks and mostly it is a symbol of a healthy body . So friends today are gonna talk about the most curious topic : How to gain muscle naturally . So today we will discuss almost every part of this process to gain muscle naturally . We will talk about it's science , logic , conditions , side effects and all the elements . So we will went through These topics 

1. What is a muscle
2. The reason of the growth in muscle
3. The way to gain muscle naturally 
4. The breaking of muscle
5. Process to break muscle
6. Role of sleep
7. Role of testosterone
8. Role of a healthy diet and nutrition
9. conclusion

1. What is a muscle

So friends first of all , we have to understand this word 'muscle' well enough because there are so many myths about this and some of them are following

  • You can not gain muscle naturally at home .
  • Muscle is a genetic thing : If you don't have this , you can not gain muscle naturally .
  • You must have to take protein powder to gain muscle naturally .
  • Girls can not grow muscle .
So friends these was some popular myths about muscle . But these all are just false . Now let's talk on the actual definition of a muscle
A muscle is the third most basic thing of the body after cell and tissue . It adjust it's size with time and conditions . Usually it is used for lifting a weight or a very force graving work .

Normally muscles are made of tissues . So I hope that now you do not have any doubt or myth about the definition of a muscle . We can easily gain muscle naturally at home or gym .

2. Reason of growth in muscle

So as we already discussed that the muscle is used for lifting any weight . It is situated among the empty space of bones . These are made of mostly protein , that's why that everybody recommend it to take protein while the days of workout . Although it is a very important part of our body , so body also want it to always having good and strong muscles . For this , it invests the most part of protein on tissues to gain muscle naturally . Now come to the main point : the reason of growth in muscles . 
So for understanding this , just remember the day when you worked very hard physically , not mentally . So you would had felt that at the next day the muscles that used in the previous day pains the most . There is a reason behind it and it is the reason of growth in a muscle . When we lift a weight or do something that consume our power , it always use our muscles to do so . Muscles support the related joint to lift a weight . But when we do it frequently , after a time our muscle gets loose and starts paining . So here comes the twist : when we use our muscle very much , there comes a small crack in itself . This crack indicate the body that you did not got succeed in a well survival at last time . So body grow and gain muscle naturally so that next time our body can face that trouble . Exactly this is the process of body to gain muscle naturally . And when we do it for daily or after a certain time , the most used part's muscles automatically grows . 
How to gain muscle naturally
How to gain muscle naturally

3. The way to gain muscle naturally

So friends as you already has read that by lifting a weight , there would be a crack in every muscle . So if we  do this frequently all the used muscles gets a crack in middle of it . So when we sleep , this muscle or we can say that our body makes this muscle recover so that when next time we would have to face the situation , we can do it . So the primary thing that we have to do is breaking the muscle by lifting weight . This can be done in two ways :
How to gain muscle naturally
How to gain muscle naturally 

1. By free weight

The weight that we lift in a gym or anything else that is not a part of our body is called free weight . For example , cardiovascular machine , dumbbells etc. are free weight . It's plus point is that when we lift a free weight , most of the muscles comes in use . So this helps us to gain muscle naturally very  fast because at a time we can break the muscles of two different body parts .

2. By body weight 

How to gain muscle naturally
How to gain muscle naturally

As you know that a weight of gym or anything else that is not our body part is called a free weight . So body weight is just opposite to it that when we use our body to break the muscle , it is called body weight . Push-ups , Pull-ups and squats are the examples of a body weight . In this way , we do not need any equipment and we can do it at home for gain muscle naturally .  So the plus point in this is that we can do it anywhere and anytime .

4. The breaking of muscles

So friends you have already read and understood that how does the muscle exactly works . Now , I am going to explain it in a detailed way so that you can gain muscle naturally . So exactly what happens that when you lift a weight , all the load comes to our related joint and muscle is made for reducing this load by taking it on itself . So if we lift a weight for a very short time , it does not effect our muscle so much but when the muscle face this load frequently and continuously it starts getting breaking . Don't worry it is a normal breaking and recovers very soon . And this is the center of all the process because when the muscle recover , it always will be a little larger than it's old size . And when this happens with a group of muscle then in a few days you can gain muscle naturally .

5. Role of sleep 

My friend if you think that only well breaking to the muscles is sufficient then you just have a little bit of knowledge about gain muscle naturally . Because breaking muscle is just 20 % of the process because if we only breaks the muscle badly and don't let them rest , there is no possibility to gain muscle naturally . So here comes the role of a good sleep . A good sleep is as important as breaking the muscle . So we also need a good sleep to gain muscle naturally . So exactly what happens that when we break the muscle properly the related muscle group starts paining and we can't do it anymore . we also talked about the repairing of the muscle but how does it exactly happens . Well when we sleep after eating a food our body starts repairing itself and it specially repairs the broken muscle group so that the body can face the weight next time easily and that's why it is important to gain muscle naturally . Some people complaints that they do everything properly but they are still unable to gain muscle naturally . So this is a small but the most important mistake they do and it makes it the most important step to gain muscle naturally . We need a proper sleep of 8 - 10 hours daily .
How to gain muscle naturally
How to gain muscle naturally

6. Role of testosterone

You also have felt that some youths of now a days are very lazy , they can be someone out of you kindly readers . They don't have any bright on their face . What is the reason behind this , is this a  genetic problem . But what is the reason behind this , actually what happens that the so called valuable youths of the country are masturbating a lot . So many releasing of the semen generates the lack of testosterone in their body . But what is the effect of this hormone in gain muscle naturally : that is the lack of will power . When we do a very energetic work , our mind release the hormone named by Endorphins . This gives us a positive thinking with a confidence . So the testosterone also matters a lot and you have increase it's level to gain muscle naturally .
How to gain muscle naturally
How to gain muscle naturally

7. Role of healthy diet and nutrition

When it comes to grow and gain muscle naturally , the one of most important thing always will be the role of a healthy diet . Suppose that if someone make you work very hard all the day but don't let you eat anything or gives you the food like other days , will it be sufficient for you ? The same process is in the case of muscles . If we break them properly but don't take a healthy and nutrition rich diet , how will they grow . If we don't take a proper diet , it may be harmful to us more than a muscle free body . So you have to take maximum Protein diet in your food  . If you don't effort a protein powder , you can also use Gram . Even I personally use it and also recommend it for you . Gram is a fiber rich diet , so you can use it . Besides bananas , almond and eggs are also beneficial diets .
There are two types of condition in it :
How to gain muscle naturally
How to gain muscle naturally

1. If you are thin or normal 

If you are thin or a normal guy ( not skinny ) you can follow the given instructions for gain muscle naturally . But

2. If you are skinny or fat

Then you do not have to take a diet to gain muscle naturally . Because if you take a diet , then you may be more fat instead of gaining muscles . You already have muscles but those are covered by your fat and you just need to lose your weight and your body will use the burnt calories as a diet to gain muscle naturally .

8. Conclusion

So after all the discussion the squeeze of all the topics is given below :
  • You need to break your muscles properly to gain muscle naturally .
  • You need to take a proper and nutrition rich diet to gain muscle naturally .
  • You also need a proper 8 - 10 hours sleep to gain muscle naturally .
  • You have to reduce your masturbation activity to gain muscle naturally .

9. Bonus tip

If I talk about my experience to gain muscle naturally , I will recommend you take a break between your time to break muscle . According to me and many physiologists , You should always take a rest of minimum one day between your next workout session . If you still feel a pain in muscles , you can increase it to two days and you can gain muscle naturally .

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