Mystery of the pyramids

 Mystery of the pyramids

This world is full of mysteries . There are infinite of mysteries in the world . If you want to go for travelling or visiting , the places that comes to your mind are Switzerland or Greenland . But if someone ask you that what is the most mysterious place of the world , what will you answer ? Well , I will tell you this in today's article . According to most of the theorists , pyramids of Egypt are the most mysterious place in the world . These are the masterpiece of the world and these were made 4,000 years ago by the Egyptians Who used to rule there . But they left a bunch of mysteries with these . So today we are gonna talk about some biggest mystery of the pyramids . Having a perfect alignment with stars , Having a natural air conditioner in pyramids that keeps the temperature 20° C all the time and having some weird and mysterious paintings in these pyramids are the biggest mysteries that are still unsolved by the scientists .And these all mysteries are about the existence of Aliens . Because most of the theorists say that these pyramids could not be made only by humans and even 4,000 years ago . There were some intelligent people who helped them in making these pyramids . So basically mystery of the pyramids are all about their ultra perfectness that is still impossible to be made by humans . So today's article must will give you a lots of knowledge about mystery of the pyramids and I am sure that you will get goose bumps while reading this . So let's start with today's title : Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids

1. Bricks used in pyramids

So first off all we have to talk about the construction of pyramids . This first and the most basic thing is also a great mystery . The reason behind this mystery is the perfect shape of pyramids . They put every single brick or limestone perfectly in a pyramid shape . There is also a great question that which concrete they used to build these because scientists are still unable to find that kind of concrete on earth and they don't even know that which material is this . The second mystery is that how did they organized these stones in a perfect shape like this . Because moving those limestones from one place to other place is a challenge in itself because the weight of a single limestone is 2,700 - 70,000 kilograms . Besides there are 23 lakhs limestones used in making a single pyramid . So scientists are still confused that how did they lift those limestones because lifting a weight more than 4,000 kilogram is still impossible with today's advanced technology like cranes and JCB which are used in making great buildings and apartments  but they did it 4,000 years ago , How did they transported these 23 lakhs limestones with the weight of 70,000 kilograms . 
Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids

There is a answer of it but most of you will not believe this and the answer is : Aliens . Only they could do this possible to transport heavy limestones in this perfect shape . Theorists claim that Aliens used their advanced technology like UFO 4,000 years ago and helped the Egyptians to make these pyramids . There is a thing I tell you that if we agree that Aliens came to earth to help the Egyptians to make pyramids , then the mystery of the pyramids is automatically solved . And basically this article is for proving the existence of Aliens .

2. The Orion correlation theory 

  There is a theory related to pyramids . If you view the pyramids at night , you will find a perfect alignment of pyramids with three stars of a constellation . The name of this constellation is Orion belt . So there is a perfect alignment of pyramids with this stars . The name of these stars are : Alnitak , Alnilam and Mintaka . So Seeing this thing like impossible , some theorists say that the Aliens who made these pyramids were came from these three stars and they made pyramids to show the contact between them and Egyptians . They brought advanced technology with themselves and did this impossible looking thing . Anyway , Pyramids were built by humans or Aliens but there is a sure connection between these stars and the pyramids . And as I told you first that it is because those aliens came from the stars . This is one of the greatest mystery of the pyramids .
Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids

Besides this is literally impossible to do so without any upper view . But there was no Helicopter or drones 4,000 years ago . So how did they do this . This also support the Existence of Aliens . If you have any answer , let us know about it through comment section .

3. Tunnels in Pyramids 

As you have read above that pyramids are full of mysteries but one of the biggest mystery of the pyramids is : the tunnels inside these . There are some discovered chambers in these pyramids and specially in the biggest one that is known as the great pyramid of Giza . But Read carefully , I said : discovered chambers but nobody knows that how many other chambers are there in this pyramid . First , using their common sense , people thought that these chambers are made for ventilation or air supply in the pyramid . But this proved as a mystery of the pyramids when scientists sent a robot in these chambers . And what they saw was that the chambers were actually closed inside by a gate with metal handle . So everybody realized that there also many other chambers in the pyramid . So scientists found 3 main chambers in the great pyramid of Giza . The tunnel in the bottom was base chamber , and above than it was queen's chamber and the top most was called king's chamber . If you enter from the topmost gate from the left side of the pyramid , you can explore all three chambers and also like this , if you enter from the lowest gate in the left side of pyramid , you can again explore all the chambers . That's why this is also a big mystery of the pyramids .
Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids

Egyptian people used to considered that if they put the body of the king in the king's chamber . Then , from the left tunnel , by being absorbed the light of two stars by the king's body , his soul will reach to the stars ahead of right chamber . And the main purpose behind this was to make the king god so that he can make their life easy by his powers like raining at time or saving them from any storm etc. So this was the explanation of one of the biggest mystery of the pyramids .

4. Queen's chamber and Camera 

So where we are talking about the secret chambers of the Pyramids , we should know complete information about this . So as you have read above that there is a queen's chamber in the great pyramid of the Giza . Basically as everybody guessed that this and other chambers are for air supply and ventilation in the pyramids . But this proved wrong when scientists sent a robot camera in this chamber . The camera recorded a gate with a metal pin that was stopping everything to go inside . For this , after a great hard work scientists developed a advanced robot with a organic drilling tool because they did not want to leave this task incomplete . So when the robot reached near the gate , it started drilling it and made a hole for making a very small camera reach inside the chamber and when it happened , the camera clicked this photo .
Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids

Later , mysteriously the camera turned off automatically . And the further exploration also stopped with it . Besides , after this incident Egyptian government also banned to go in the pyramids for exploration like this . So since then , this mystery of the pyramids is still unsolved . But there is still strong possibilities of having more undiscovered chambers and tunnels in pyramids like this so that was it . Now the article is going thriller , so keep reading with me -

5. Purpose behind making Pyramids

Now after knowing so many mystery of the pyramids , you would like to know the reason behind making these , Why were these pyramids made ? So if we support the theory of different people , most of them will say that these were made for the store of graves of ancient kings or queens and we say them mummy in normal language . Then , Egyptian used to keep the dead body safe even after so many years . They used a process called mummification for this . They used to do so just after the death of the king or queen . First of all , they used to soak the dead body in a special oil that avoids the body to rot . At the end , they used to cover the body in a linen cloth and keep it into a coffin . So it is the purpose for making the pyramids according to most of the people . But reality is quit different . So if you ask that how many mummies are there in the pyramids then the answer will be : zero . There are no mummies founded in pyramids : Neither in king's chamber nor in queen's chamber .
Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids

Both of these chambers were empty and even with a textless coffin . I think your superstition is now cleared that the pyramids were made for these mummies . But if it is not the purpose then what is ? Basically this question is controversial because some theorists say that the mummies were stolen few years ago while others say that these pyramids were not made for humans . Aliens made and used them according to that time . But I know that most of you will not believe this second theory but my friend , everything is possible in this amazing world . So the purpose behind making these pyramids is still one of the biggest mystery of pyramids .

6. Why are pyramids so perfect

You will be wondered after knowing this thing about the pyramids . And this is not only one thing , these are to unbelievable facts about pyramids and they are :

ⅰ ) Center of the Earth

If I ask you that which place is the center of the Earth . Then the answer will be : the Pyramids . If you calculate this all and locate the center place of the earth , then you will amazingly find it as pyramids . But how did they make it possible ? I know that it also can be a co-incidence but don't forget that these pyramids were made in the time when people didn't even know that earth is round . They used to consider that the earth is flat and there is also a end of this . Anyway , let's move on and explore other mystery of the pyramids .

ⅱ ) Alignment with north pole 
Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids

This fact will blow your mind . This is a practically proved fact and that is : If you take a arrow from pyramids and proceed to the north then surprisingly you will reach the north pole of the earth . Yes there will a little distance between these both . But just remember that these pyramids were made 4,000 years ago and also this distance is just because of the movement in tectonic plates with the time . So this is just like a magic for that time . How did they do so accurate works without any advanced sources . This is still a mystery of the pyramids and nobody could solve it and till now you can guess the possible reason behind this . Let me know by commenting below .

7. pyramid stones 

As you have read that pyramids are full of mysteries and wonders . So I am gonna tell you about a wonderful fact about the most basic cell of pyramid : stone . In the starting of the article , I described about pyramids to be of limestone . But this is not true , I used this just for making you understand in a simple and easy language but the reality ids quit different . The scientists say that the stones used in pyramids seems like limestone but they are not . Even they did not found a exact same stone like those on the entire earth . While this stone was used in pyramid in a huge quantity . So how is this possible to not find this kind of stone anywhere on the earth besides pyramid . This is also one of the biggest mystery of the pyramids .
Besides there is also a famous fact about this stone and pyramid that these are made with a special construction technique named by ' Ball and socket ' . I explain you what is this . As you know that the size of stone increase in summers because of heat . So basically this technique can even endure this heat expansion . This makes the structure safe from earthquake . Just think that a earthquake proof technology and that also 4,000 years ago . It's really amazing .

8. Natural air conditioner

As you know that pyramids are situated near Egyptian desert that is very hot and warm wind always comes there but this does not effect a little inside the pyramids . Actually pyramids were made in a way that keeps it's temperature constantly 20° C . This does not matter that what is the outside temperature , Temperature inside the pyramid will always be so . You call this a natural air conditioner of 4,000 years ago or anything else . But this still do not let the scientists sleep . This is also a famous mystery of pyramids .

9. Alien drawings in Pyramids

If you go to the most famous visiting place of Egypt like pyramids and other temples , you will find some very weird paintings , drawings and structures that support the Aliens role in Egypt . In the first picture , you can see a drawing like a airplane and in the second pic you can see a drawing which looks like a modern Alien UFO depiction . While the third onw will blow your mind where you can see a drawing of a creature with a short height , huge heads and large eyes . It completely looks like a modern Alien depiction . So seeing all these paintings in ancient places of Egypt , theorists says that there is no role of humans in making the pyramids , only aliens made these . This is also a mystery of pyramids . And these are not the only weird drawings found in ancient places of Egypt , later I will show you more thriller pics , so keep reading .
Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids

But as we discussed above about the alignment of Orion belt stars and pyramids , It is literally impossible to do so without any aerial view . But there was no helicopters or drones , so how did they realized this perfect alignment ? So theorists says that these aerial views were taken by aliens by their advanced space ship . Those aliens came from these three stars of Orion belt . But it is also just a theory and nobody knows that how true or false it is .

10. Amazing sun alignment 

Summer solstice happens every year on 21 June . This is a day with shortest night and longest day . So let's talk about useful fact related to pyramids about this because it is also a small mystery of the pyramids . So the fact is that if you visit pyramids at evening on this day 21 June , You will find a great view like this .
Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids

Here you can see that the sun is on the exact middle position of these two pyramids and the sun is exact behind the head of this lion . This view is really great . But how it become possible ? I know that this also can be a co-incidence .But my friend we are talking about 4,000 years ago . And One or two things or incidents can be co-incidents but not all of these . 
So on this , Theorists say that there is a role of a intelligent creature in making these all artifacts . I know that human can do everything but doing the works like this is still very hard with the advanced science of today while they completed it with no machines or technology . So this is a great mystery of the pyramids .

11. Dendera light

Now we are gonna talk about something different from pyramid . There is a temple in Egypt at a place named by Dendera . The name of temple is ' Dendera light complex ' that is made by the Egyptians for their god : Hathor . This is one of the most mysterious temples of Egypt even more than the mystery of the pyramids . AT first , the most part of the temple was covered badly with sand but after 1850 , This temple was cleaned by the locals . And with the end of this cleanliness mission , A biggest mystery of Egypt came out . People saw there a mysterious drawing at wall that forced everybody to think that how advanced the ancient Egyptians were . They saw this drawing on the wall that must will blow your mind -
Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids

In this picture , you can see that a man is holding a thing looking like a tube light . Here you can also see the this tube is connected with a box by a wire . So most of the theorists say that the electricity used to exist in the ancient Egypt . This tube helped them to make pyramids and other structures even in night . 
There is a tube light named by Crookes tube and if we compare this drawing with this tube it will look almost same . So people say that the time travelers or Aliens gave electricity to the ancient Egyptians . All the lightening part of the Crookes tube is depicted by a snake in drawing . There is a part looking like a lotus at the bottom of the drawing tube that looks like a modern socket . This is connected to a box by a wire that is the store of energy . 
There is also a man in the drawing that is holding a dangerous looking tool . May be this shows the warning to keep distance with the system . If you did not use this properly , you could be electrocuted . So basically this is for children to keep them away from the wire and battery for their safety .
There is a mystery park in Switzerland . And there is a practical model of this drawing that shows that if it would be real , it will look like this . You can see that in the image . So this is also the one of biggest mystery of the pyramids . Now we are about to end the article with two more points , so please read till end .

12. The great Sphinx

I think you must have ever read about pyramid or watched it's picture . Then you may have seen this great Sphinx with these pyramids . It is one of the greatest and largest statues of the world . It's length is 73.5 meters while height is 20 meters . This is also one of the biggest mystery of the Pyramids And you will be shocked after knowing that it is not made by many stones or  bricks rather it is made of a single large stone . That's why that it is in the list of the largest single stone statues in the world . 
It is a statue whose head and face looks like a human but the body is like any animal or any other weird creature . first , it was fully covered with soil and was not looking but after 1900 , A visitor saw a little part of it's head and this gave the world a new wonder . So later , workers started digging this and this whole statue came ahead the world and with this also some mysteries came out . While digging , workers found a tunnel inside this and after whole process , the conclusion came that there are two cavities or holes in this statue : the first and small tunnel and the second but the bigger one . It is just like the underground structures of today but we are talking about 4,000 years ago .
According to theorist , this structure lost it's perfection with time otherwise it used to look like this -
Mystery of the pyramids
Mystery of the pyramids

It's architecture is really mind blowing and amazing . Making a perfect statue like this still very hard with the organic and advanced science and technology but Egyptian did this without any tool and only by using a single stone . This is one of the greatest mystery of the pyramids
But like the great pyramid of Giza , there are also some undiscovered tunnels in this and nobody can say that how many those are and that's all .

13. conclusion

After reading the whole article , you must have knew that how mysterious the pyramids are . These are also the evidence of the existence of the Aliens . I know that it is very unrealistic but there are more than 1 percent possibilities of Aliens . There are also some Elements in these pyramids that can be the evidence of Aliens .
Anyway , These Pyramids are really amazing and useful for visit . However they are , but these are the Heritage of or Ancestors .
So these were some famous mystery of the Pyramids and Egypt .
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